A dear friend has been kind enough to point me to various other places on the Web which may be useful in discussing such things as the proper relation between Faith and Science. This post will capture links to those sources; and will be updated as additional resources come to my attention.
Please note that this list does not represent an endorsement of any of the cites; rather, it is intended to provide access to additional resources.
Dr. John Polkinghorne's website. Dr. Polkinghorne is a scientist (particle physics) who became an Anglican priest. He won the Templeton Prize in 2002.
Answers in Genesis: This organization provides a wealth of information useful in challenging the Darwinian orthodoxy. Unabashedly Christian believers in Creation and a "young earth".
The Discovery Institute: Their mission statement says that the Institute "discovers and promotes ideas in the common sense tradition of representative government, the free market and individual liberty". They are strongly involved in Intelligent Design.
IntelligentProject: This site approaches the question of Science and Faith from a Roman Catholic perspective, and provides links to relevant articles.
(added 12/6/2007)
Nova's website on Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial
PBS's website on Evolution
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Thank you for the generous helping of web resources pertaining to this timless material.
I have also recently discovered that many of the PBS programs such as Nova or Frontline which tackle some of the controversial issues of the day have back issues of their programs on line.
So glad to have finally gotten over to view your blog.
Happy Holiday,
Paul Plouffe
Thanks for the kind words; if you look at some of the November entries, you will see a discussion of the Nova program on Intelligent Design, along with a link to Nova. I will add that link to the main post here on Resources.
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